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Now displaying: 2016
Dec 28, 2016

Conversation with Andre and Karthik about non-duality and artificial intelligence.


Dec 24, 2016

Talking to Shaka Senghor, author of Writing My Wrongs about incarceration, forgiveness, Detroit, writing, the Media Lab and his journey.


Dec 23, 2016

Conversation with Katy Croff Bell about oceans, deep sea exploration and Nautilus Live. ( http://www.nautiluslive.org/ )


Dec 21, 2016

Conversation with Christopher M. Schroeder about Whiplash The Book, entrepreneurship, the Middle East, media and many other things.


Dec 21, 2016

Conversation with Stephen Downs, Chief Technology and Strategy officer of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation talking about health, technology, RWJF and the MIT Media Lab.


Dec 17, 2016

Facebook Live conversation with Michael Harren, host of the podcast MikeyPod. ( http://mikeypod.com/ ) Talking about my new book Whiplash, the future, art, culture, the creative process, podcasting, engineering and using new tools and being vegan... among other things.


Dec 12, 2016

Live from the Metro Smart Bar in Chicago where I worked in the 80s with owner Joe Shanahan, former Metro DJ Jeff Pazen and former bartender Aldona Urbutis. Talking about how a club thrives for 40 years, what it was like in the 1980s, how to build enduring cultures and how to have fun while you do it.


Dec 10, 2016

Conversation with Kathy Matsui, Chief Japan strategist for Goldman Sachs about women's role in Japanese business, business culture and a bit about Kathy's background and path.


Dec 9, 2016

Kevin Esvelt, Assistant Professor at the Media Lab, describes his work in CRISPR Gene Drives, bioethics, and my new book Whiplash which he just read.

Originally streamed on Facebook Live.


Dec 9, 2016

Conversation with my Safecast co-founders, Sean Bonner and Pieter Frank about Whiplash and citizen science. Safecast is an international, volunteer-centered organization devoted to open citizen science for the environment. After the devastating earthquake and tsunami which struck eastern Japan on March 11, 2011, and the subsequent meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, accurate and trustworthy radiation information was publicly unavailable. Safecast was formed in response, and quickly began monitoring, collecting, and openly sharing information on environmental radiation and other pollutants, growing quickly in size, scope, and geographical reach. Our mission is to provide citizens worldwide with the tools they need to inform themselves by gathering and sharing accurate environmental data in an open and participatory fashion.


Dec 8, 2016

We did a Facebook Q&A about our new book Whiplash : Surviving a Faster Future with co-authors, Joi and Jeff and our researcher Chia. This is the audio from that Q&A.

It ended abruptly when the streaming failed. Sorry about that!


Dec 3, 2016

First in a series of conversation with interesting people about my new book Whiplash co-author with Jeff Howe.

Reid and I talk about systems, startups, risk, the election, markets, media and how to think about networks.


Nov 24, 2016

Peter is Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Co-founder of Conservation International.

Talking about biodiversity, COP22, sustainability, conservation, indigenous people, climate change, complex systems and the theory of change.

Thumbnail photo by : Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung


Nov 24, 2016

Conversation with Christopher Filardi, an evolutionary biologist and conservation activist working with indigenous people. I met Christopher in Marrakech last week and had an amazing conversation with him.

We had a quick chat while I was in an airport lounge in Dubai so the audio is a bit choppy. I'll try to do a longer higher quality conversation with him soon.


Oct 15, 2016
Rob will be joining us at the Media Lab and the Digital Currency Initiative. He is the former Manager of Digital Currencies at the Bank of England.


Sep 23, 2016

Conversation with Jamila, Alia from The Albert Einstein Institution and Tenzin about nonviolent action.


Sep 21, 2016

Conversation with the Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi about disciplined compassion and nonviolence.


Sep 16, 2016

Talking with Isha Datar, CEO of New Harvest, about cellular agriculture and cell-cultured foods.


Sep 16, 2016

Talking about the MIT Media Lab Digital Currency Initiative and other things with Neha Narula, the Research Director of the DCI.


Sep 12, 2016

Conversation with Limor “Lady Ada” Friend and Phil Torrone of Adafruit about making, electronics, business, learning, live video and more.


Sep 12, 2016

Talking about, media, books, life and the future of everything.

(Fixed audio)
Sep 6, 2016

Conversation with Danny Hillis
Inventor of the Connection Machine, Co-Founder of the Long Now Foundation and visiting professor at the Media Lab. Talking about Turning, the universe and other things.


Sep 6, 2016
Joi Ito interviewing Bob Langer about science, engineering, peer review, funding and the translation of technology.
Sep 3, 2016

Julia Reda is a Member of the European Parliament representing Germany, and she also serves as a Vice-President of the Greens/EFA group, president of the Young Pirates of Europe and a member of the Pirate Party of Germany.


Sep 1, 2016

Sultan Al-Qassemi and Joi Ito conversation about the Middle East, the UAE, art, culture, emergent democracy and other things.


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